What is server? | For small business


all right so making sure you have the right equipment for the home or for your small business all right we're going to talk a little bit about servers as quickly as I can I had made article and not that many people are going to sit down and reading us talk about this type of crap for to break it into smaller segments and kind of make each point it's all in the article

So first of all what is a  server for anybody that has no idea what  I'm talking about a server isn't is a  computer any kind of computer that is  used to perform services either to other computers or to serve your customers or  to your employees.

so for example if  you have a small business and you've got  like 10 people each person has a desk  each person has their own computer  they're working on the files that they  are working on should never actually be  installed directly on the computer that  they're using instead the right way to  have your employees access these files  is to install for example if you're  using QuickBooks

if you're an accountant  and you have your office and you have  other junior accountants or whatever  QuickBooks should be installed on a main  computer that would be serving your  employees and your customers throughout  the office so you install the actual  program itself on the system and all of  the client data is on the main server.

 The main computer and then when you have your employees come in to work and they sit down at their desk and then get on their computer even though they can open up the files and access them and make changes to them it's not directly on their machine but they are actually connected to the server and they are accessing those files from that server.

 The reason for that is because  it's much more secure your  information is going to be safer  more secure and server hardware which is  where the big confusion comes in server  hardware is designed to tolerate a great  deal more than just a normal computer so  what am I talking about there well a  while back actually not that long  ago it happens quite often where we'll  get like we had I used the accounting  example or not because I had quite a few  customers that were working at a cloud  you know accounting offices and they  came in with their IT guy and the IT guy  insisted that all the accounting own all  the owner had to do was buy a normal  consumer based Dell that just had a  normal i7 with 16 gigs of ram and a  terabyte hard drive ok and the  accountant he had his own website he  wanted being the server to host the  website so meaning that when you connect  to one two three accounting com  you're actually connecting to a website  that is saved stored on that actual  computer ok not by another company  that's putting it up on the internet for  you to access okay so the accountant  wanted his own website on this server.

wanted to try and expand his office and  offer a whole bunch of financial you  know counselling and this and that he had  a lot of great ideas that was great but  the mistake is when you are thinking of  doing something along those lines  when you want to purchase a machine  that's supposed to be running 24/7 365  days a year and you are not supposed to  be shutting these things down you never  want to buy a normal consumer grade  machine even though these machines are  powerful are they capable of running  quick books a thousand percent can they  serve your employees yes can they serve  your customers absolutely but the  hardware inside the machine is not  to be run for that length of time all  day every day without being shut down so  you get heat builds up over time it  might get dusty there could be a million  things that go on the hardware in these  consumer systems are not designed to  tolerate that level of use especially if  you have a website stored on your server  you are opening the floodgates up  because the whole idea of having a  website is for tons and tons of people  from the outside world to find you so if  all of a sudden you have this one  computer and several thousand people are  trying to access your website at one  time the machine is going to crash and  crap on itself  and it's then if it happens during work  hours then forget about it because then  no one's going to be able to access  anything either temporarily or if  something goes wrong with the power  supply if something goes along with any  component on the machine you are going  to be screwed that's why for business  purposes you never want to buy a  standard consumer-grade system you want  to buy even though yes it's going to be  more expensive yes you're going to have  to spend more money okay you want to

buy  a computer that actually has server  grade hardware why because you have  things like the RAM that is actually  it's called ECC or error correcting  which is meant to actually catch its own  corrupt like failures in the memory and  correct them so the machine won't blue  screen and restart or lock up or freeze  or whatever okay you have things like  raid you have multiple hard drives  multiple storage devices set up with the  data is split on all the drives so all  your clients information everything is  you you're doing is actually spread  about on several different storage  devices so if one of those storage  devices goes bad you don't have the  machine won't stop working  can still do everything you don't have  to turn the computer off you don't have  to restart the computer all you would  have to do is literally open the panel  up remove the storage device because it  plugs would think they're special they  you pull them right out  take the new storage device

Slide it  right in and then windows or whatever  operating system you're using in a raid  setup they will rebuild the data on the  new drive without you having to do  anything so your employees can still  keep working your customers can still  you know get what they need your  business is still up and running there  are power supplies so a lot of servers  will have multiple power supplies so if  one fails let's say you have a surge or  something crazy happens one of the power  supplies goes bad your machine is still  running it doesn't power off because  there's still another working power  supply so at that point again you can  just pull out the dead power supply and  take the new one slide it right in plug  it back in and that's the end of story  okay because security you will find on  the operating systems and even though  you can install a Windows server  operating system or Mac

whatever you can  install it on any piece of crap you know  machine or whatever but on a server  great hardware you already have all of  that set up and there's a lot of  features that you get a lot of safety  security and a hell of a lot more  reliability that you will find on a  server great Hardware system then you  would on a consumer-based system you'll  you're just setting yourself up for  imminent failure heartache pain in the  ass don't do it okay  in business just remember you should  never make decisions based on well the  likelihood of that happening is it's you  know it's not really a big chance of  that happening so let's just buy let's  just go the cheaper route that is not  you operator make decisions for your  business you need to be thinking okay  the chances of these problems happening  are very minimal but if it does happen  we are prepared and there will be hardly  much if nothing really at all to  worry about that is the mentality that  you need to have so if you have any  questions about hardware or us building  a server for you if you want us to come  over and take a look at your business  and assess how things are set up you  know we offer two hours free we'll come  in we'll see how you have everything set  up what your security is how your  employees are set up we'll give you it's  two hours free just to assess your setup  and we'll tell you what's good what's  not good we'll give you advice even if  you already have another IT person in  mind or whatever we still you know you  can trust us we've been doing this for a  while we're not here we're not trying to  rip you off  you know what matters is making  sure that we have a good reputation that  we properly inform our customers our  clients with what is right because  there's a lot of huge misconceptions out  there in the world of technology  particularly in the small business area.


For more details : www.xfurbish.ae



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